High-level overview

The gateway is the easiest way of integrating Mona. With just a few lines of code you can accept card, pay by bank transfer and Mona Pay with Bank. We handle all payment information capture.

Before Integration Checklist

  1. Set up your redirect URL for us to link back to on checkout completion on the merchant dashboard.
  2. Configure a payout destination for your settled funds on your merchant dashboard. If you get settled in USD or another foreign currency, make sure you have a destination configured in your desired currency.
  3. Configure your webhooks on your merchant dashboard.
  4. Complete your activation test with the Mona team.

Integrating the Checkout

  1. From your backend, create a checkout session
  2. Redirect your customer to the transaction URL returned in the url field on the create checkout response.
  3. Wait for your customer to complete the transaction. We will redirect the customer to your provided redirect URL.
  4. Either poll the transaction status endpoint or await the webhook message.